Previous Projects
The past 22 years that I have worked as an independent contractor have been excellent. I took on quite a few roles (such as the regular Site Monitor/CRA performing remote and on-site monitoring visits, but also that of Project Manager, Data Manager, QA Manager, Data Analyst), depending on my client’s needs /wishes.
Regarding my business operations, here below I share with you some significant facts:
- the projects were mainly in the field of orphan diseases, in phases I – II, usually with adaptive trial protocols. This can be seen as my ‘niche’ area indeed.
- approx. 60 % of the current assignments are in the ‘repeat business’ category, one way or the other
- apart from the Netherlands, the assignments have taken me to the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, France, Portugal, Denmark, and Sweden.
- I am able to manage 3-4 active clients or trials/protocols at any given time. Switching between these has shown to be efficient for both my clients and myself, and keeps me alert. This I actually consider a business asset.
- clients based in the US can benefit from the fact that I can usually put in work during my evenings; this always turns out good.
- building a good rapport with trial sites (and at the sites, with the various departments) – in my opinion – actually starts from the first moment of contact, such as during a site evaluation visit. At that time, it is beneficial if all parties share at least some of their expectations.
- business-wise approaches work best; focus on critical elements in each project/trial (proportionately), whilst ensuring others in the team ‘own’ one or a few elements of the trial process too. Next, proceed whilst staying tuned to these critical elements, improve/develop the elements that can perform better, and follow through. Use timely and concise reporting to the relevant trial stakeholders and manage the work based on the Quality Management System. I tend not to procrastinate.
To make my previous experiences more tangible, here below I share with you a table of test compounds (not all of them, as for some, I am bound by stricter Confidentiality Agreements), I played at least some role in developing: